Topics covered in this month’s edition of the Regulatory RADAR are;
- EPA Finalized Risk Evaluation for Formaldehyde under TSCA
- EPA Expands TRI with Nine New PFAS Chemicals
- TSCA Risk Evaluations Drafted for Dicyclohexyl Phthalate (DCHP) (CASRN 84-61-7) and Finalized for Tow Other Phthalates: DIDP (CASRN 84-69-5) and DINP (CASRN 28553-12-0)
- EPA Prioritizes Risk Reviews for Cancer-tied Plastics Chemicals
- Reminder: EPA Targets Chemicals Used in Adhesives for Risk Evaluation Under TSCA
- EPA Targets PFAS Contamination with Comprehensive Data Collection Effort in Industrial Wastewater Discharges
- Significant New Use Rules Proposed for 8 CASE Substances & Finalized for 6 Substances
- US-EU Medical Expert Report Urges New Chemical Regulations to Protect Children’s Health
- EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Transitional Period for Reporting to the Registry Ends on December 31, 2025
- European Commission Adds 40 Chemicals to PIC & Bans Use of BPA in FCM Such as Metal Coatings for Food Cans
- CEPE Disappointed with European Commission’s Decision on TiO2 Antidumping Duties
- WCC to Respond to GFC (Global Framework on Chemicals) Consultation Document Aiming for a Stakeholder Engagement Framework
- GHS Updated in Brazil, Singapore, Turkey, and US
- OECD to Publish Report on Fluoropolymers in 2025, Canada’s Assessors Discussed Their PFAS Publication and RM Plans